Saturday, August 4, 2012

Another Random Update...

First of all, sorry for not posting in a while. I have been distracted by things other than my game, and I have not been working on it as much. I have been working on it yesterday and I am going to today. The terrain generation is hard to manage having an infinitely expandable world, and even just managing which parts of the world to keep loaded. I think that I have it just about figured out, but I probably wont add terrain generation in the next update. The next update will probably have non-infinite maps, and they will be just flat. I will add building and destroying and hopefully that will make it better.

I am expecting the next update in a few months, maybe less (hopefully). I will not add multiplayer until I get a good, enjoyable game with a reasonable amount of features, and a reasonably small amount of bugs, good performance, etc....

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or advice to give me, you can go to my forum. I have quite a few members so far, and the community is growing steadily.

For those who don't know where to download the very boring first release, HERE is the download link. Thank you for following the slow development of my game!


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