Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The First Results

I have not posted in a while. My apologies, but I'm sure you would like to see some screenshots, so here's the first one. You can not destroy or build yet, and this was all created in the code.

The performance for this game is very good. I am getting at least 60fps on a 10 year old computer so far, but let me add some more features, and the fps will hopefully stay high.

The game currently can not be downloaded or played yet. I am working on a deployment solution, and should have it ready by the release date.

The screenshot is not much yet, and all you can do is move around, and there is a bad background.... etc. I am working on the game and I will try to solve this. I also will have to work on the textures to make it smoother. This post is just to show you that I am actually making progress.

Thank you for following the development of my game!


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